
Parkinson’s disease or simply Parkinson’s (also known as idiopathic or primary parkinsonism, hypokinetic rigid syndrome, paralysis agitans or shaky palsy) is the long-term loss of nerve cells. It is an incurable neurodegenerative disease and one of the most degenerative diseases of the extrapyramidal motor system. The most well-known disease is Parkinson’s, an idiopathic disease (meaning that there are unknown environmental or genetic triggers). If there is a definable, underlying environmental cause, then this is referred to as secondary or symptomatic parkinsonism. If a neurodegenerative illness with another pattern of damage as well as a certain number of additional symptoms is present, then this is referred to as atypical parkinsonism.


  • Lack of dopamine
    Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disease of the extrapyramidal motor systems (EPS) or the basal ganglia that leads to the death of nerve cells. The first symptoms become apparent once approximately 55% to 60% of these dopaminergic cells have died. The resulting lack of dopamine ultimately leads to an imbalance in the function of the basal ganglia in two ways. One is a relative excess of the messenger substance glutamate. The second is the thalamus ultimately disrupting the cerebral cortex’s motor function. This causes the main symptoms of rigidity, tremors and hypokinesia, as well as the slowdown of cognitive processes (bradyphrenia).
  • Environmental causes
    Certain poisonous substances, known as neurotoxins, which damage the substantia nigra, are considered to be environmental triggers for Parkinson’s. Those affected by the disease have generally absorbed these neurotoxins either during the course of their work or as environmental toxins. Studies carried out in Canada established a correlation between the use of large quantities of paraquat (a herbicide) and an above-average number of cases of Parkinson’s in the population of the corresponding region. Another pesticide that is considered to be a trigger for Parkinson’s is the insecticide rotenone. In France, Parkinson’s disease has been recognised as an occupational disease for farmers since 2012, provided they have come into regular contact with pesticides for at least a decade. Generally, heredity (predisposition), trauma (including in the case of boxers), infections and prolonged stays in room with mould infestations are considered to be other causes.

Long-term consequences

The course that Parkinson’s (Parkinson’s disease, Parkinson’s syndrome) will take is difficult to predict. Parkinson’s typically progresses at a slow pace – how quickly this happens and the impairments that come with it can vary drastically from person to person. Some of those who have the disease go for many years without being impaired by it, while others have to battle with complaints from an early stage and then later require round-the-clock care. No cure has been found for Parkinson’s and early treatment also does not prevent the disease from progressing. However, a tailored treatment plan has a positive impact on the prognosis. The further the Parkinson’s has advanced, the higher the risk of complications is. These include respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia, severe falls or difficulties swallowing. These complications can sometimes be fatal.

Conventional therapy

There is still currently no causal treatment available for Parkinson’s that prevents or at least stops the continuous degeneration of the nerve cells. That is why simply treating the symptoms will have to be enough, which is increasingly possible. This allows patients to live a nearly unimpaired life for the first few years (sometimes even decades) of having the disease. Drug therapy plays the most important role here. At the same time, however, it is extremely important that the person affected maintains their physical capabilities and their cardiovascular system remains healthy. That is why everyone suffering with Parkinson’s is also supported with physiotherapy and occupational therapy, where there is the most potential for kybun to make a supporting contribution. In addition, around 50% of patients still make use of alternative treatment methods such as meditation, yoga or acupuncture.

The kybun principle of operation – be proactive

The kybun shoe has an elastic springy sole. This promotes the coordination and strength of the feet and the entire body. The wearer can also feel the ground through the sole, boosting confidence while walking and stimulating foot sensitivity. In turn, the sensomotoric ability and proprioception of the patient is actively promoted and trained. Symptoms such as dizziness, issues with gait, and coordination and balance problems can therefore be treated very effectively with the kybun shoe. This means symptoms of Parkinson’s can be fought in the long term and the patient’s mobility and quality of life remains unaffected.

Initial reactions

Click here for the general initial reactions experienced by kybun mat and kybun shoe beginners: Initial reactions So far, no specific initial reactions have been observed in Parkinson’s patients.

kybun exercises

For information about the special kybun shoe exercises or the basic kybun mat exercises, please click here: kybun exercises

Application tips

Allow yourself enough time at the beginning so that the body can get used to the new feeling of walking and standing. Listen to your body, how do you feel? Is the shoe or mat good for you? Do the symptoms change? If there is a lot of uncertainty in the kybun shoe, we recommend the kybun mat first. Here you can concentrate on the correct posture on site and hold onto a solid object if necessary. Try to integrate the shoe / mat into everyday life. The more you train with it, the faster you will notice progress in your body.

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