kybun – The perfect shoe for prosthetic feet

Fill out our contact form if you are an amputee who wears a prosthesis and would like to get quick and thorough advice from an expert.

What we know and why we believe it's true?

We have first-hand experience!
We would like to introduce you to Mr Jürgen Zeller. Mr Zeller has had both of his legs amputated. When he first tried on a pair of kybun shoes, he knew right away that he wanted to share this feeling with other people in a similar condition. Since then, he has been passionate about ensuring that other people with prosthetic feet don’t suffer from wearing poor footwear. He wanted to draw attention to how important it is for people with only one foot – or no feet at all – to improve their gait with the perfect shoe in order to enjoy a better quality of life, just as it is for those without prostheses.

Mr Zeller completed the basic medical training course at kybun AG in 2015. Since mid-2015, he has been working as a freelance medical consultant and expert for amputees and people who wear prostheses in southern Germany.


Are the kybun shoes suitable for people with artificial legs?

Yes absolutely!

Try the kybun shoe now without obligation to buy.

Please fill out the form and we will provide you with more information or details of how to test the shoes.

The elastic springy sole absorbs impact on all surfaces and enables the prosthetic foot to gently use the rollover motion

This saves a lot of energy and relieves stress on the residual limb. As a result, the hips and back are also relieved, which often leads to increased quality of life.

Media reports on the shoe for prosthetic legs:

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Opinions/customer testimonials

Roland Diewald from Germany

Roland Diewald from Germany

I actually discovered the kybun shoe completely by chance. I tried on a pair and found that I could actually walk very well in them. Now it is simply my shoe. I can really step on each heel and roll over my foot to the toes. The shoe helps me get a firmer footing and compensates for the movements within my stump. It simply feels great to walk and the main advantage by far is that I don’t stumble anymore. This was always a problem I experienced when I was wearing other shoes.  I would often trip over my toes and stumble when walking on uneven streets.

Roland Diewald from Germany

Roland Diewald from Germany

Shoes are very important. They are an important part of the prosthesis. As I said, I could never find the right shoe for me during all the time I spent wearing the prosthesis. The kybun shoe is simply the perfect shoe for me. I first learnt about the kybun shoe when I got onto the bus at a different bus stop. I saw a kybun shop right behind me. There was an intriguing exhibition going on, where a film was being shown. I went to the shop the next day and asked if the kybun shoe could also be something for people who wear prostheses. Mr Meier was very friendly and knowledgeable and gave me all the information I needed. He said he didn’t have any experience with people who wear prostheses, but that I could try on a pair of the kybun shoes if I wanted to. I took him up on the offer and since then, I have been impressed with the shoe each and every day.

Roland Diewald from Germany

Roland Diewald from Germany

It was a soft and comfortable feeling. I actually felt very comfortable from the very beginning. I tried walking around in the shoes at this shop for 15 minutes. Then I walked out onto the street right away and wore the shoes all day. I continued to walk, taking tiny steps, feeling very comfortable in the shoes. The main advantage by far is the fact that I don’t stumble anymore. I used to always get caught, either at my toes  or at my heels, which made me skid. Walking is now very pleasant and soft, even for the stump. I no longer feel the hard impact on my knee or stump. It is simply a wonderful, soothing feeling all around.

Roland Diewald from Germany

Roland Diewald from Germany

I feel much lighter and smoother when I’m walking. The shoe has changed my whole life.

Roland Diewald from Germany

Roland Diewald from Germany

I can now walk without any pain. I used to always feel a pressure in the prosthesis and was actually always in pain when walking. The pain is now completely gone, and I feel wonderful wearing the prosthesis.

Jürgen Zeller from Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Jürgen Zeller from Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

I had both my legs amputated at the thigh 25 years ago, and two years ago I had the latest high-tech prosthetics fitted. I’d hoped to be able to finally walk better with them but sadly this wasn’t the case and I was left disappointed. Despite the modern technology, which cost me €90,000, I still couldn’t walk on cobblestones.  But then I found the kybun shoes online. At first I was unsure about the soft sole of the kybun shoes but I discovered a completely new feeling after walking just a few steps. I felt like I could feel every millimetre of the ground. It was incredible that the prosthetic foot unexpectedly began to work and the kybun shoes perfected the entire roll-off phase of the foot. Getting up from a chair or out of the car has also proven to be much easier. I don’t slip on wet surfaces or snow anymore thanks to the kybun shoes.  I already have four pairs of kybun shoes now and cobblestones are no longer a problem! Jürgen Zeller is now a freelance consultant for kybun AG in southern Germany, acting as an expert adviser to other affected individuals. For more information, visit us at