The fascia system, your most valuable sensory organ

Definition and presence

Fascia is a white muscular connective tissue which without exception surrounds every muscle, every bone, every organ and even the nerves - every cell is wrapped in fascia. We consist of around 25 % fasciae!

Function of the fascia

The fasciae form a network that runs through the entire body and performs a variety of functions. Fasciae give our body form, hold and structure. They also influence the transmission of force within the muscles. The main tasks of fascia as a sensory organ consist of communication and stimulus transmission. The fascia contains the largest number of receptors and nerve cells that overwhelm our brain with sensations. This explains why a disorder in the fascia area can lead to severe pain.

Looking after the fascia system

The large proportion of fasciae and the associated vital function areas illustrate the importance of fasciae. Similar to dental care, the care of the fascia tissue is of utmost importance. In order for fascia to remain healthy, i.e. flexible and elastic for a long time, we must move properly in an effective way, i.e. avoid hard impact and walk in a balanced manner.

Springy trampoline like movements keep the fascia network supple and elastic. For indigenous people, who move barefoot on natural ground, there are practically no problems with the musculoskeletal system. Our children are also an indication of this. They enjoy running, jumping, leaping and climbing. This natural urge to move keeps our fasciae healthy. Through frequent sitting as well as walking and standing on hard, flat ground, we detrimentally interfere with our natural movement pattern of barefoot walking on an uneven and soft surface! This leads to tension, pain and increased wear and tear.

kybun products support the fascia system

kybun materials promote the elastic springy trampoline effect so that fasciae are unable to stick together. The renowned and probably best-known fascia researcher Dr. Robert Schleip corroborates the effectiveness of kybun materials (see right).

«I am convinced that walking and standing on the elastic springy kybun materials in daily life can have profound effects on the entire fascia network. Today's widespread restriction of the human movement range leads to connective tissue adhesions and stiffness, which in turn trigger numerous disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

In my opinion, an enhancement of the joint movements that take place in everyday life, as can be expected with kybun MechanoTherapy not only in the leg and pelvic area but also in the entire body, is an important step towards regaining pain-free, elastic and flexible mobility.»

 Dr. Robert Schleip's Web