Hermann Baur spent ten days on his feet at his trade fair booth at the BEA in Bern, Switzerland.
Samuel Gerber had to use crutches until recently because the pain he suffered was so severe. Neither insoles nor therapies alleviated the pain in his heels.
The key to freedom from pain lies in a springy, elastic trampoline bouncing movement. Swiss mechanical engineer Karl Müller is convinced that this key movement can alleviate back, hip, knee and foot problems.
Arnold Graf, from Sonnenbräu, a traditional brewery in Rheintal, Switzerland, has been suffering from arthritis pain in his knees for many years.
Movement promotes composure and concentration
The Tipiti school in the Appenzell region in Trogen, Switzerland, is trying something new. They are implementing an innovative pedagogical approach that allows the pupils to move freely in the classroom.
Gian Kaufmann has turned his passion into his job. The photographer from Rheintal, Switzerland, works for companies and at weddings and VIP events.
Toni Geser suffers from chronic back pain. It comes on at night and gradually intensifies. Doctors diagnosed him with Bechterew’s disease and prescribed him painkillers.
Jürg Sieber has suffered from fallen arches since his youth. The innovative air cushion in this shoe has given him immense relief from his symptoms.
Usually, Pascal Wieser spends most of his working hours sitting at a desk, but now and then, the managing director of the Vögele travel agency spends days standing at trade shows, presenting his company. This quickly gave him severe back pain.