Mrs. Zoi Rokomou from Greece
I was introduced to kybun shoe from my physiotherapist, asking him to suggest me some shoes for walking after having spinal fusion of my last three segments of my lower back. From the first moment I stood on them I felt that they were going to help me, I got motivated to walk more and more because I really enjoyed the feeling by walking on them. After 6 weeks of their usage I noticed that: I could stand up for more than 3 hours straight without resting while before I could not stand up for more than 45 minutes, I could walk without rest for 70 minutes instead of 30, my swelling on my feet which had been there -after my low back operation 4 years ago - disappeared and I could distinguish different tendons and bones of my feet, the painful hallux valgus almost disappeared and finally some painful dilated blood vessels below of my right knee that I had been told to have some injections they no longer bother me and now I can not see them .