Mrs. Eisbach from Andernach, Germany


I’m so impressed with these shoes. I used to have a heel spur and I’ve actually lost track of all the places I tried before resorting to private treatment. Let me tell you straight up that it was ridiculously expensive. I tried everything that my health insurance would cover and honestly, I was going around with a really bad heel spur for a year and a half. I just didn’t know where to go in the end. My husband and I really love hiking. But I just couldn’t go anymore so he had to go alone, which really upset me. I always thought that there must be something else out there and then I discovered this shop. I thought, ok, I’ll have a look and then I ended up buying the shoes. I had some minor problems with them in the beginning because I had an inflammation in my foot. Once that cleared up, it only took four days for the pain in my feet to go away. I think I’ve had these shoes for about three months now and they’re still the only ones I wear. I highly recommend them. I’m so impressed! For me, these shoes are the best thing since sliced bread!