Take an active break on the kyBounder

More and more companies are recognising the importance of regular breaks throughout the working day. Employees benefit from brief moments of relaxation, as it increases their productivity and efficiency (cf. Ulich, E.: Arbeitspychologie (Occupational Psychology). Stuttgart, Germany: Schäffer-Poeschel, 1998).
What’s more, breaks can also prevent many occupational illnesses and work-related injuries caused by physical traumas and tiredness! These
professional breaks have a positive impact on both the health of the individual and company performance.
Studies show that active breaks are far superior to passive ones during light physical and mental activity (cf. Allmer, H: Erholung und Gesundheit (Relaxation and Health). Göttingen, Bern, Toronto; Seattle: Hogrefe, 1996).
Taking an active break helps you to keep fit and promotes well-being. The
kyBounder is the professional tool for this, as it allows you to exercise simply by standing on the soft surface. Further studies on the effect of short, active breaks: Amon-Glassl, U.: Wirkung von Kurzpausen auf Wohlbefinden und Konzentration (The effect of short breaks on well-being and concentration). Degree dissertation, The University of Vienna, 2001. Henning, R.A., Jaques, P., Kissel, G.V., Sullivan, A.B., Alteras-Webb, S.M.: Frequent short rest breaks from computer work: effects on productivity and well-being at two field sites. Ergonomics, 40, pp. 78-91, 1997. > Back